EndoFresh® debuts at the 2022 National Digestive Endoscopy Continuing Education Forum


In order to promote the standardized training of digestive endoscopy, showcase the latest progress in the field of endoscopy at home and abroad, and further standardize the diagnosis and treatment of digestive endoscopy,the "2022 National Digestive Endoscopy Continuing Education Forum” was successfully held in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province from October 27th to 30th, 2022.

Professor Liu introduced that there is little difference between EndoFresh® endoscopes and  traditional endoscopes in terms of photographic quality, clinical operation experience evaluation pass rate, device failure/defect rate and adverse event incidence rate. EndoFresh® disposable digestive endoscope can be an effective supplement to routine endoscopic diagnosis and treatment.

At the same time, Professor Liu pointed out that there are still unmet clinical needs, especially during the epidemic, disposable endoscopes can prevent iatrogenic cross-infection. A total of more than 600 cases have been collected from major 3A hospitals such as Beijing Friendship Hospital, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, Wuhan Union Hospital, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, and Guangzhou Nanfang Hospital. Real-world data proves its effectiveness and safety in clinical diagnosis and treatment. 

After Professor Liu’s excelent speech, Professor Jiming concluded that compared to foreign brands of endoscopes, EndoFresh® disposable digestive endoscopes are very flexible and they can meet the needs of different clinical procedures. 

During the meeting, many experts, doctors and industry colleagues visited the EndoFresh® booth in person. Many experts have also experienced the EndoFresh® disposable digestive endoscope and expressed their appreciation to the EndoFresh® disposable endoscope system.